
景观路灯 D173鸿雁——2018神灯奖申报产品

1234 人阅读 | 时间:2020年08月13日 18:20

项目名称: 景观路灯 D173鸿雁

申报单位: 济南三星灯饰有限公司


该灯采用仿生学设计手法,以展翅飞翔的鸿雁造型为依据,寓意高瞻远瞩、事业起航、跨越发展;扭曲设计的灯臂造型,彰显大胆创意风格,突破传统样式,更与现实中的翅膀相吻合,整灯造型充满律动感,是城市景观形象的有力提升产品。 简约时尚的外形设计,拥有独立的知识产权,灯体为钢材,表面喷涂户外专用塑粉,高导热铝合金散热片,光源采用多芯片封装 LED。

Look far ahead from a high plane,Leapfrog development.

The lamp adopts the bionic design technique, to the wild goose as the prototype, symbol, career start, development look far ahead from a high plane; the lamp arm distortion in modeling design, highlighting the bold and creative style, breaking the traditional style, is more realistic and wings in the match, the whole lamp shape of a movement, is a powerful city landscape, improve the image of the product.

The simple and fashionable appearance design has independent intellectual property rights. The lamp body is made of steel, the surface is sprayed with outdoor special plastic powder, the high thermal conductivity aluminum alloy radiator, and the light source is multi chip package LED.






4、LED光源置于散热器上,用于将LED的热量散发出去,LED光源由光源压盖定位并紧固。光源板前设有透镜, LED光源发出的光利用透镜的聚光作用可以将能量分散的光束重新分配。散热器与透镜间设有胶垫。设透镜压框压住透镜,使胶垫压紧,达到防水防尘的效果。散热器上设有防水接头,用于防止水进入光源。


1, the power and module are placed in a cavity. The heat dissipation cover can be opened by hand screw, and the module light source is designed to achieve the effect of easy maintenance or replacement of parts.

2, not only has the lighting function, shape using the bionic design technique, inspired from goose shape, the lamp arm shape with the twist design, clean lines and smooth, natural appearance generous, but also to meet the new LED as a landscape lamp decoration function.

3,The flange plate lamp shell is welded with a safety hook, can play the anti falling protection measures. Inner wall welding light source decoration parts, lighting lens positioning, anti glare and decoration.

4,The LED light source is placed on the radiator to distribute the heat of the LED, and the LED light source is positioned and fastened by the lid of the light source. There is a lens in front of the light source, and the light emitted by the LED light source can redistribute the energy dispersive beams by using the lenss concentration. A rubber pad is arranged between the radiator and the lens. The lens is pressed to press the lens, so that the rubber pad is pressed tightly to achieve the effect of waterproof and dustproof. The radiator is equipped with a waterproof connector to prevent water from entering the light source.

5, 1-3 in the hinge, one end fixed on the lamp body, one end by bolts on the radiator cover, in order to achieve the rotation of radiating cap, and the inner hinge is a concealed hinge, ensure lamps beautiful. There are 1-3 screws on the other end of the heat sink, so that the bare hand can be opened to open the heat sink, and it is convenient to install and maintain.







济南三星灯饰有限公司成立于1993年,由三人创业而成,现已发展为生产占地170000平方米,建筑面积70000平方米,集研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的综合型、专业化户外照明企业,同时拥有自己的热镀锌企业。 公司拥有国内领先的照明产品检测中心,有光分布测试实验室、光色电综合测试实验室、安规测试实验室、高低温测试实验室、防尘测试实验室、防水测试实验室,确保每一款产品的综合品质都能够通过市场的严格检验和客户的高度认可。 公司拥有专业、高效的设计研发团队,所有产品均为独立设计、自主研发,并全部拥有自主知识产权。公司产品涵盖传统户外照明及LED户外照明全系列产品,有路灯、智慧路灯、景观灯、庭院灯、高杆灯、草坪灯、投光灯、洗墙灯、隧道灯等共10大系列300多个品种,产品销往全国各大中城市并远销到印度、韩国、阿联酋、尼日利亚、肯尼亚、阿尔及利亚、阿塞拜疆、智利、加拿大等50多个国家,无论您是在G2中国峰会、北京奥运会、广州亚运会、济南全运会,还是漫步在异国他乡,您都会看到由三星灯饰提供的各种户外照明产品。 公司先后通过了欧洲CE认证、ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证,先后获得“高新技术企业” 、“重合同守信用单位”、“2011中国设计奖-红棉奖”等殊荣,国家专利和国家科技进步奖达几十余项。 卓越品质的缔造离不开公司优秀的团队和科学规范的内部管理,通过团队不断的探索实践公司建立了一整套科学系统的管理体系,形成了以个人为中心的岗位工作模式,工作表单贯穿工作始终,每项工作都做到事前精心计划、事中细心检查、事后虚心改进;通过公司内部的精细化管理,确保客户的每份订单、每项要求都能准确的转化为各个岗位的操作细则和执行标准,为客户及时提供优质的产品和满意的服务。股份制的经营体制、全员经营分红制度、完善的职业发展规划、岗位任期制等充分体现互利共赢理念的优秀企业文化,为公司的健康发展注入了无限活力。 历经25年的成长,三星人始终着眼长远,坚持“与客户和员工互利共赢”的企业文化,“持续为客户创造价值,帮助员工成功”的公司使命、“百年品质,百年三星”的企业梦想,始终以自主研发、科技创新为发展动力,不断向技术专业化、产品多元化、市场国际化的照明企业迈进,志在成为户外照明行业的领导者!


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